Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Woman of the Year-and the award goes to...

Reader discretion is advised. Not for the tender tummied.

It has kind of been one of those weeks-you know the type. After scraping curdled vomit from Isaac's favorite stuffed bear and washing his sheets for the third time that day I began to think that I am a good, tough and nurturing woman. This really is a big deal to me since my natural instinct is to torch the linens , replace the furniture, strip Isaac and spray him down outside then bath him in Lysol. I wouldn't consider myself a paranoid germ freak...just not a puke person. I am usually the type that gets quezy at the thought, sight, sound and smell of vomit. Not just puke but bodily fluids of any type. I would hold a grudge if anyone so much as gleeked on me. Major slobber complex. Like many things, I attribute this to my childhood.

Growing up my big sister knew my one vice, the Wet Willy! She was ruthless. And it didn't stop at the Willies either. She would do the lick slap where she would lick her fingers and then slap your arm giving you a big red welt. However, the most despicable act, on the cusp of being an unpardonable sin, was when she would pin my shoulders down and let her spit dangle dangerously close to my forehead then suck it up and repeat. Sorry to digress but is it any wonder I have issues?

However, I am amazed at what motherhood has done to me. Back to vomit. Not only did I "deal" with my son's puke, I was dealt upon. Isaac ralfed as I was holding him. The wretched substance landed on my neck, slid right down my shirt and rested nicely in between my boobs. But I was AMAZING! I didn't scream, swear or toss the child away as I assumed the fetal position. I calmly and quickly brought him over to the sink and let him finish (while rubbing his back mind you) then cleaned him up before myself. I know, I am giving Mother Theresa a run for her money.

As if to polish another jewel on my crown in heaven, Mark came home early from work that same day. When he came through the door I said "hi honey". He shook his head and ran to the bathroom. Next thing you know I am making midnight trips to the store to pick up ginger ale and sherbet. I even sat next to him know... and rubbed his back while he got candid with the crapper. Remember what I said about the thought, sight, sound and SMELLS. Once again, I was AMAZING!

Women work hard. We have to do some pretty unpleasant stuff. It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that "I don't do anything special or noteworthy; after all, I just stay home and take care of a kid most of the day." Often times I focus on the things that I am not. "I'm not crafty, I'm not organized, I'm not trendy, I'm not a blogger (until now) , I'm not blah blah blah!" But whether I get the Woman of the Year Award or not, it doesn't matter because I dealt masterfully with the puke situation this week. I was surprised to discover so many of latent capabilities and strengths. That is pretty special and noteworthy in my book...which I get to write...and decide what goes in it...and what awards will be given out.

This award goes to you. Thank you for all of the amazing and nasty things you do!


Lori said...

You deserve an award, for sure! Holy cow! Sean is three and he has been throwing up in the "crapper" for a year now. It makes a difference. However, the potty training can get a little messy.....
I hate vomit and poop but have only gagged once while changing a gross diaper.
Hope everyone feels better soon!!!

Michelle said...

Yes you do deserve an award! It's a life changing moment when you have someone else's vomit resting in between your boobs.

Linnley Marie said...

Way to go Amber!! You are amazing! I sure hope that when I am a mom I can do that, for now I throw up when I see it.

Rachel said...

Hahaha Amber you crack me up!
You're amazing and if I can deal with things like that half as well as you, then all I can say is bring it on!

Erin said...

LOL! I can totally understand why you have issues with this stuff. :-)

Stephanie • My Orange Chair said...

Oh my parallel life. 3 nights ago I was cleaning up several liters of Charlotte vomit all night.

2 nights ago, I was making trips to the bathroom all night myself.

Last night it was Brian's turn...

No rest for the weary, eh?

So . . . did we infect you or did you infect us? :)