Monday, November 07, 2011


We had stake conference yesterday. In many ways I viewed it as cruel and unusual punishment for a women in her ninth month of pregnancy to have to wrangle a 2 year old for 2 long hours. Needless to say I didn't get much from any of the speakers, but the Lord, in one of his tender mercies to me taught me all that I needed for right now in one little closing hymn. Each line penetrated my soul. It has helped me seek to evolve my selfish murmurings of why can't I have more time with my husband, more money to spend, more space to put junk in, and for our journey in school to end. blah blah blah... the list could go on forever. I was reminded of the things that I should be seeking more of. I thought I would share it with you.

Check it out here.


Rachel said...

You're brilliant!

Clynn'sKathy said...

As a young(er) mother, I discovered that even if I never got anything out of a meeting, just going to church filled me enough to keep me going for another week. Sometimes it was because the other mom and I sitting in the foyer had a chance to talk. Sometimes it was just having a chance to sit quietly with my nursing (or sleeping) baby while Dad wrestled with the rest of the crowd in the chapel.

And sometimes I actually could hear the talks better out in the foyer, if I stood under the ceiling speakers as I bounced my restless baby.

Congrats on your new little one :-)