Tuesday, January 10, 2012

So...we saved a diaper today

Good news! Isaac pooped in the potty for the first time today!!!! However, I think that we need to work on the delivery. Isaac was taking a bath this morning and I had stepped out for just a minute when I heard him say, "I catch the poopy". I ran into the bathroom, and sure enough, there he was standing in the tub with two fists full of turd logs. Luckily it was a pretty clean break if you know what I mean, so I picked Isaac up by the shoulders and said, "okay, put the poop in the potty" then we proceeded to have a long hand washing session.Unlike the egg fiasco of last week, I think that the mental images will be sufficient—no pictures necessary.


Lisa said...

Ha! I love that I am not the only one. My little girl has done this the last two weeks in a row. My favorite was that she actually got out of the tub to bring it to me.